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Crayola's List of Suggestions

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Crayola's List of Suggestions Empty Crayola's List of Suggestions

Post by Crayola 27th May 2011, 1:04 pm

Well, I've been observing the server, and thinking of little ways that could improve the server a bit. To make it more of a challenge.

I think we should get rid of All In One NPC. Maybe just leave the "Common" Category but limit the items in there. This would allow players to actually hunt for items and possibly have something cool to do.

The next suggestion is, instead of having a Donor NPC for spawning. They should have commands such as: !spawn anego 100 , !cleardrops , stuff like this. Seeing that there is just a Donor NPC to spawn, this is too similar to the 100 rb+ lair. Nothing new. Another thing is, disable the .!warphere command. As well as, making Donor training map for Donors only. Allowing only GM Level 1 or higher allowed.

The next idea is to get rid of the 500mil and 1.5bil mesos egg. Just change them all to 1bil mesos eggs. And possibly make a custom shop just for eggs. Such as, 300 Eggs for a 200 attack shoe. Something like that. Allowing these mesos eggs to actually have some sort of value.

Perhaps, take out the FM Warper, since it is no longer used.

Take out the old Houses since many of the passwords were leaked. And many of those players don't even play any more. Allow new players to get a 'house.'

Maybe combine all the "point systems" to one NPC.

Also, I think we should add Horntail back in, but make it so the server message doesn't appear. OR let it if you wish. Allow Scar/Targa PQ to work with just one person. Since many people are strong enough, but still allowing more than one to join if they are in the party. Also, to have a purpose for Lightning PQ. Seeing that they only go up to some levels and at the end have no prize. So, add possible prizes?

Another suggestions I have, instead of creating FM Perma Mobs. We should create a NPC in the FMs. This would allow players not to complain ohh mobs arn't working and what not. For instance, we could have FM 2 be a NPC that spawns snails and what not for the new players. That would be free. Then in FM 4-10 we could have a NPC that spawns those listed mobs for a certain price. This would make a purpose in mesos. Let's say 20 mil for every 20 spawns. Something like that? Or just have less spawns in the FM rooms to allow less lag and possibly a less chance for no mobs at those times.

We should have some way to automatically claim donations. Information that the donor would need to provide, Account, IGN, PayPal E-mail Address, First/Last Name of PayPal account, and amount donated. This would be linked onto the main website. And played would have to be logged off. This should be on the Donation page after. This would allow players to not constantly wait and what not. I'm not quite sure how this would be programed, but I'm sure you could possibly figure it out. (=

We should add a @egg command. That is if we were to get rid of the 500mil/1.5bil eggs. We could use that "Golden Pigmy Egg" as the 1bil egg. Then the @egg command would turn 1bil into the egg. Then @mesos would turn a egg into 1 bil. Pretty simple. Just something I think we should add.

Another suggestion, add a !spy command for donors/GMs if they already don't have it. This will be useful for them to check other people if they have a certain amount of RBs. Useful for reporting hackers?

Also, I think Donors shouldn't have the ability to change their name. It gets annoying for new players to try and message/whisper them or what so ever for help. Reality, they can't even talk to them other then all chat whenever they see them. Perhaps allow donors to change their names but no symbols such as : ~ [ ] ( ). Also, to take out the Donor NPC for GM Scrolls. Since @fmnpc>Scroll Shop sells GM scrolls at the very bottom. Kind of a waste. And don't want to rip off donors for contributing to the server.

I think LightningMS PQ is useless. If we don't end up giving a prize at the end, might as well delete the whole thing. So if we do chose to code the rest, try and add in some prizes or what not.

Another thing is, MSI's are becoming to easy to get. I've been here for a good 24 days and I've pretty much maxed out all MSI'd I needed. I think we should Make MSI's not only 30k in each stat, but like maybe 100 Golden Pigmy Eggs or whatever. The ones worth 1.5bil or if we change it to 1bil.

**Will add more suggestions as I discover. Leave opinions below. Will try to work things out with possible concerns. Text will be different color when each time I add a suggestion. Stuff with a strike through has been considered or completed. **

Last edited by Crayola on 31st May 2011, 1:50 am; edited 10 times in total

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Join date : 2011-04-25

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Crayola's List of Suggestions Empty Re: Crayola's List of Suggestions

Post by Bryant 27th May 2011, 11:34 pm


Loay better get back on so I can work on this stuff.

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Crayola's List of Suggestions Empty Re: Crayola's List of Suggestions

Post by •Bacárdí™ 28th May 2011, 12:35 am

Spawn mobs will be fixed when someone disables all the quests.

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Crayola's List of Suggestions Empty Re: Crayola's List of Suggestions

Post by Crayola 28th May 2011, 7:28 am

Bacardi wrote:Spawn mobs will be fixed when someone disables all the quests.
Just make quests not work?

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Crayola's List of Suggestions Empty Re: Crayola's List of Suggestions

Post by whatever 28th May 2011, 1:55 pm

finally a post that i really agree on its been 3 frigen weeks!~!~!~ and i kno patience

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Crayola's List of Suggestions Empty Re: Crayola's List of Suggestions

Post by Crayola 28th May 2011, 9:40 pm

These are just suggestions. Now we have to be patient to see whether or not they want these. :3

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Crayola's List of Suggestions Empty Re: Crayola's List of Suggestions

Post by batoom 30th May 2011, 8:21 pm

good suggestions. the main thing to work on is standardizing of all currency. egg system is good, but all the npcs seem to have different rates and wat not in place that don't add up. e.g., if you're going from vote points to leaves to eggs, and stuff.
One main thing, which I got very good feed back from my server, is player hosted events.
By this i don't mean when a player says their "holding an event" and there will be prizes
I mean give players the ability to actually purchase events for the server. I would imagine, especially the players who have several thousand rebirths, can't find much to do with their over flowing wealth. This helps you increase your reputation on the server; this works especially well if there is a player government set up =D


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Crayola's List of Suggestions Empty Re: Crayola's List of Suggestions

Post by Crayola 30th May 2011, 9:51 pm

Well. I've been doing some events lately. But there's always that limit so we don't spoon-feed and corrupt the economy. (=
Thanks Bryant for taking my suggestions into consideration/making changes!

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Crayola's List of Suggestions Empty Re: Crayola's List of Suggestions

Post by lapras 6th June 2011, 3:49 am

Crayola wrote:
The next suggestion is, instead of having a Donor NPC for spawning. They should have commands such as: !spawn anego 100 , !cleardrops , stuff like this. Seeing that there is just a Donor NPC to spawn, this is too similar to the 100 rb+ lair. Nothing new. Another thing is, disable the .!warphere command. As well as, making Donor training map for Donors only. Allowing only GM Level 1 or higher allowed.

Perhaps, take out the FM Warper, since it is no longer used.

Take out the old Houses since many of the passwords were leaked. And many of those players don't even play any more. Allow new players to get a 'house.'

Also, I think we should add Horntail back in, but make it so the server message doesn't appear. OR let it if you wish.

Jake in my opinion I don't think donators should have commands like !spawn anego 100. The lairs already cause enough lag as it is from what it seems, and those kind of commands seem to start huge lag spikes because people tend to leave the monsters there without killing them. It happened before and you know where it did. About the houses I think we shouldn't necessarily remove them, but maybe only allow them on certain maps because peoples houses can interfere in events such as a scavanger hunt. Maybe not adding horntail for awhile would be alright if you mean on the actual spawning map since the crystal that you hit on the map can cause you to spawn more than 1 horntail at times and it can also cause a null pointer/forgot what it was.

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Crayola's List of Suggestions Empty Re: Crayola's List of Suggestions

Post by Crayola 6th June 2011, 4:12 am

Erm yeah I guess Shelly. As for the houses, we removed the old ones that players who don't even come on use. That's what I meant about "removing" houses. :3

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