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Server lag.

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Server lag. Empty Server lag.

Post by mapleman 20th April 2011, 6:01 pm

Um, if the lag doesn't get fixed sooner or later, the server's gonna lose players.
Please find a way to fix it.


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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by •Bacárdí™ 20th April 2011, 8:45 pm

"[Co]Lolz" said they're working on it.

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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by *[Faith]* 21st April 2011, 12:48 am

You see, the thing is.

The repack we're using, is made for low-rate servers. Having it for a high-rate causes lag.

There would only be 2 options to a solution:

1st- No Lag, No Rings, Old Repack.
2nd- Lag, Rings, New repack.

Rolling Eyes

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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by island3r 21st April 2011, 1:14 am

who needs rings anyway? other than those who always sit around FM nobody else use it


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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by mapleman 21st April 2011, 12:44 pm

Well, if that's the case, then I agree with island3r. And you know what, if you change to the old repack, there needs to be ANOTHER wipe, and we're gonna be playing the same old LightningMS. Don't you think you'll disappoint the players because they lost their characters, they lost their MSI's, GML's, VP's, etc, just to play the same old thing?
Honestly, why're you guys even using a repack for low rate servers? And you guys knew that using it will cause lag? Wow...


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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by •Bacárdí™ 21st April 2011, 12:47 pm

Theres stuff changed from the old repack to the new repack. Your adventure in LMS is to find those changed stuff and feel more superior than others cause you found it. Smile

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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by mapleman 21st April 2011, 12:59 pm

Yeah, LightningMS is awesome. I'm just highly disappointed at the terrible 10-20 second lag almost every 2 minutes or so. And it's not my internet connection's problem. I used to love LightningMS.. But now, i'm just disappointed.. What happened to the service? Sad


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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by *[Faith]* 21st April 2011, 2:52 pm

Speaking in a more technical perspective, In theory.. if we moved back to the old repack we'd still have all the other characters that everyone had made with their rebirths. The server got wiped due to dupers. Our Coder, Bryant.. can clear all inventory's.. therefore.. everyone has their rebirths.. but no items.

This is not verified, nor am I promising this to happen.

In the progress of choosing Moople as our new repack, we did not know that there would be lag. We chose Moople because they had rings, and we had ways to edit the repack to make it somewhat usable for a high-rate server.

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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by •Bacárdí™ 21st April 2011, 3:10 pm

I've always questioned myself if they did a mysql backup. I guess they did. o_o

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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by tate 22nd April 2011, 11:51 am

I miss the old repack T_T

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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by •Bacárdí™ 22nd April 2011, 12:30 pm

Yes; I miss it too ):

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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by batoom 23rd April 2011, 2:23 am

Lag has been fixed
Here's why it lagged:
        getMap().broadcastMessage(this, MaplePacketCreator.showForeignEffect(getId(), 0), false);
        if (this.guildid > 0) {
            getGuild().broadcast(MaplePacketCreator.levelUpMessage(2, level, name), this.getId());
        if (MapleInventoryManipulator.checkSpace(client, 4310000, (short) 1, "")) MapleInventoryManipulator.addById(client, 4310000, (short) 1);
        saveToDB(true);  <=====every time you level it's saving every public stat in maplecharacter, or mostly all of em...

Also, AP reset on RB has been fixed:
 if (isBeginnerJob()) {
            remainingAp = 0;  <==== since after you RB, you become a beginner, it knocked ur AP to 0 lol
            if (getLevel() < 6) {
                str += 5;
            } else {
                str += 4;
                dex += 1;
        } else {
            remainingAp += 5;
            if (isCygnus() && level < 70) {

All is good now, and the server is enjoyable again woot =D


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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by •Bacárdí™ 23rd April 2011, 2:54 am

so, " client.announce(MaplePacketCreator.updatePlayerStats(statup)); & saveToDB(true);" was the main reason? LOL

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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by batoom 23rd April 2011, 3:40 am

oh no no just the savetToDB part; i just started at the client~ cuz the whole code is longer.


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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by •Bacárdí™ 23rd April 2011, 3:51 am

how'd you fix it if you made it not save to the database anymore Surprised

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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

Post by batoom 23rd April 2011, 6:53 am

well say you're level 1 and you kill some slimes and go strait to 100. that's 100 times the server is saving your info- pretty redundant lol. That's basically the server updating info into the DB 100 times in 1 second x each char that might be leveling like that at the same time.
so basically, if you randomly dc right after that there's a chance you'll lose those "hard earned" levels. the reason that the saveToDB isn't really important is becuase there's certain auto saves, like in when you change channels, your char should save; and you can always do @save, as well. since this is a repack for low rate servers, the saveToDB is fine, since you will probably level maybe a few times at once. OH and also:
public void gainExp(int gain, boolean show, boolean inChat, boolean white) {
        int equip = (gain / 10) * pendantExp;
        int total = gain + equip;
        if (level < getMaxLevel()) {  //this says that you can level ONLY if you are not 200; since 200 is set as the maxlevel in the source
            if ((long) this.exp.get() + (long) total > (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE) {  // this tells the server what to do in case you get more exp than the limit of a long (64 bits)
                int gainFirst = ExpTable.getExpNeededForLevel(level) - this.exp.get();
                total -= gainFirst + 1;
                this.gainExp(gainFirst + 1, false, inChat, white);
            updateSingleStat(MapleStat.EXP, this.exp.addAndGet(total));
            if (show && gain != 0) {
                client.announce(MaplePacketCreator.getShowExpGain(gain, equip, inChat, white));
            if (exp.get() >= ExpTable.getExpNeededForLevel(level)) {
                int need = ExpTable.getExpNeededForLevel(level);  /
                if (exp.get() >= need) {                                        / <= this whole block stops multi leveling since it makes sure that after your first level up, you only get 1 less exp point than needed
                    setExp(need - 1);                                            /                      i'm pretty sure it was taken out early in the implementation of the new repack
                    updateSingleStat(MapleStat.EXP, need);

but yeah, so basically, in the orignal MoopleDev repack, even if you were supposed to level a bajilion times at once and lag your balls off, you couldnt xD


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Server lag. Empty Re: Server lag.

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