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Transformation/Combo DC

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Want to get trans/combo DC fixed?

Transformation/Combo DC I_vote_lcap100%Transformation/Combo DC I_vote_rcap 100% 
[ 4 ]
Transformation/Combo DC I_vote_lcap0%Transformation/Combo DC I_vote_rcap 0% 
[ 0 ]
Total Votes : 4

Transformation/Combo DC Empty Transformation/Combo DC

Post by batoom 31st May 2011, 3:08 am

So everyone knows, if you use super transformation (basically any morph) and combo injunction, and reenter a map, you will DC everyone on it. This is reallyyyyy annoying to me, and I can't see anyone not getting annoyed, unless you abuse it. I've asked for it to get fixed, in return for the server source. The fix is reallly easy, so it's pretty annoying it hasn't been fixed.
Hopefully this vote will put pressure on the owners. I've already asked Justin, but he says he has to ask Saif or Laoy; not sure why since he's a co-owner, and basically the only one with that level ever online- the other two don't seem to bother much with the server anymore, just take in donations, which hopefully all goes to pay for the server. I'm pretty sure Bryant probably knows, but hasn't fixed it yet; and Danny already knows, they still won't give him remote to the server, which is retarded, since the only one who's active that has remote is Justin, and sometimes Bryant. So yeah, lets see if anyone cares about the server o.o


Posts : 40
Join date : 2011-04-10

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