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Jail Suggestion

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Jail Suggestion Empty Jail Suggestion

Post by Ducky_Becky 10th April 2011, 1:32 pm

On many occasions, I've seen my friends get jailed; for different reasons but they are always forgotten. Today, my friend passed 6 hours in jail when forgotten. It was for spamming but really, 1/4th of the day jailed?

I suggest the jail should have a timer so if GMs go afk, log off or are just plain busy , they have a way to get out without having their friends smega-ing / spamming to remind them that so-and-so is still in jail .


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Jail Suggestion Empty Re: Jail Suggestion

Post by HoboHere 10th April 2011, 2:09 pm

I SECOND THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jail Suggestion Empty Re: Jail Suggestion

Post by HoboHere 10th April 2011, 2:28 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] i still like this song ._. bounce

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Jail Suggestion Empty Re: Jail Suggestion

Post by •Bacárdí™ 10th April 2011, 7:06 pm

I agree; I've never been jailed but I heard it sucks.. but 6 hours? wow that's crazy.

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Jail Suggestion Empty Re: Jail Suggestion

Post by Tribe 11th April 2011, 1:41 pm

agreed the only thing is it would be really hard to code because what if you have two people in jail that both came at a diff time
unless you can have a different timer for each person, not too sure

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Jail Suggestion Empty Re: Jail Suggestion

Post by •Bacárdí™ 11th April 2011, 8:14 pm

You'll probably have to make a new table next to all the characters with the jail time value.

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Jail Suggestion Empty Re: Jail Suggestion

Post by *[Faith]* 12th April 2011, 12:58 am

It is not possible to make a timer to stay for a period of time in a map,

We have another method that will be tooken into action as soon as possible.

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Jail Suggestion Empty Re: Jail Suggestion

Post by [Masterbade] 12th April 2011, 2:30 pm

Actually there's no actual timing for jailing someone. Some people are even jailed for 1 whole day. Sometimes not GM forgotten about them. There may be other reason. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.

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Jail Suggestion Empty Re: Jail Suggestion

Post by *[Faith]* 12th April 2011, 9:50 pm

Jim, We're taking another method of this into consideration.

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Jail Suggestion Empty Re: Jail Suggestion

Post by •Bacárdí™ 12th April 2011, 10:27 pm

You can ;
} else if (sub[0].equals("jail")) {
int mapid = 930000800; //jail map
int free = 910000000; //Warps you here after alloted time
int time = Integer.parseInt(sub[2]); // Time is in milleseconds
final MapleCharacter criminal = c.getChannelServer().getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(sub[1]);
MapleMap jail = c.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(mapid);
final MapleMap freedom = c.getChannelServer().getMapFactory().getMap(free);
criminal.changeMap(jail, jail.getPortal(0));
criminal.dropMessage("You have been Jailed for" + sub[2] + "for Not listening to GM.");
TimerManager.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
criminal.changeMap(freedom, freedom.getPortal(0));
}, time);
Everything should go to the and would work like !jail <player> <time in mil secs> so like for 1 hour it'll be 36000

credits go to HorrorChix89;


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