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In game shortcuts

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In game shortcuts Empty In game shortcuts

Post by island3r 16th March 2011, 9:30 pm

I dont know if everyone knows about this already but ill make one anyway.

1) You need a simple skills with the least animation of effect

2) Know which command you use the most in game ( @buyegg,@reborne )

3) Open skill macro and put the simple skill you choose in one of the macro skill box ( one skill should be enough )

4) name the macro @buyegg or any other command you choose

5) dont forget to check shout skill when used.

6) dont forget to save the skill

7) take the skill icon and put it in your keyboard

Whenever you need to use the command just press the skill and it type the command for you. This is helpful to anyone that rebirth a lot and those who farm meso for egg. I hope this help..


Posts : 40
Join date : 2011-03-04

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In game shortcuts Empty Re: In game shortcuts

Post by Bryant 17th March 2011, 5:02 am


Posts : 147
Join date : 2011-01-24
Age : 28

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