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Donation rewards and format.

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Donation rewards and format. Empty Donation rewards and format.

Post by •Bacárdí™ 28th July 2011, 1:05 am!

Last edited by •Bacárdí™ on 28th August 2011, 4:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Donation rewards and format. Empty Re: Donation rewards and format.

Post by Bryant 5th August 2011, 2:23 pm

•Bacárdí™ wrote:
[Special Package]
150$ - Level 3 GameMaster. Before you become a game master, you will be evaluated by the admins, co-owner's and/or HeadGM's. If we think your abillities will not improve the server, nor handle the position well, you will be denied and forced to buy another package at the top. Remember, this is not a guarantee Paying for this package means you will be able to post an application before the applications are up & you will recieve more leniency from the staff. Kissing other GM ass's will not help, just saying. We're looking for talent and skill, not some little 12 year old.

Chris. LOLOL.

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