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Donor Set Hat Suggestion

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Donor Set Hat  Suggestion Empty Donor Set Hat Suggestion

Post by PlzDieThxBye 30th June 2011, 1:32 am

Ok, so Justin suggested I post this in the forums seeing as according to him and Julie (Playa) this was a problem.

Background story -

Justin suggests the Donor Set Hat needs to be taken away from the Gachapon as its a donor only item, and its not fair
for some people to get lucky and get it in-game, while others need to donate for it. Justin said that the hat was a
donor only item, and that it should stay as a donor only item.

Julie suggests its not a big deal and that its a good idea to keep the Hat in the Gachapon because it may increase
the game's economy. Julie said that people may want to get the hat without having to donate or people that have donated
should be allowed to want to sell the hat for in-game currency.

In my opinion I believe that both of them have some very good points and that both sides of the story should be looked into
so I made a conlcusion and decided that a compromise was the best idea for this.

I suggest that the hat be taken out of the Gachapon but still be tradable between players. People have donated for it,
therefore they should be allowed to do whatever they want with it. This way, people are still donating for the hat, yet
trading for it with in-game money. This may in turn also increase the economy in the server which is good for everyone.

Please leave your suggestions below on what you think needs to be done here.



Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-06-30

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Donor Set Hat  Suggestion Empty Re: Donor Set Hat Suggestion

Post by Playa 30th June 2011, 1:46 am

PlzDieThxBye wrote: I suggest that the hat be taken out of the Gachapon but still be tradable between players. People have donated for it, therefore they should be allowed to do whatever they want with it. This way, people are still donating for the hat, yet trading for it with in-game money. This may in turn also increase the economy in the server which is good for everyone.
Agreed, 'nuff said.

Posts : 30
Join date : 2011-06-06

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Donor Set Hat  Suggestion Empty Re: Donor Set Hat Suggestion

Post by Crayola 30th June 2011, 2:52 am

Honestly, my suggestion is this 'hat' won't have much to do on the economy. I suggest we have a ITEM WIPE at least, so we can rebuild the economy. As much as everyone would hate this, but lately there's been dupers here and there, some stuff released that shouldn't be. As for donors, I think they shouldn't have the !watk command as I told Bryant before to try and code something like a scroll that would add 25 watk to ANY item. These scrolls/items would then be able to sell. The main reason why Donor Items aren't sold in my opinion is because they have !watk and it was 'rare' before. But I think Donors could just have donor points to buy these scrolls.

Posts : 527
Join date : 2011-04-25

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