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Error Guide

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Error Guide Empty Error Guide

Post by Crayola 25th June 2011, 10:01 am

I stole this from one of my friends in another server, but I thought this would be helpful for you guys!
Most of these methods have been tested by myself, and 90% of the time they work. If any of you have any suggestions, or would like to improve on a solution, please by all means say so. And since v83 is almost here, there will most likely be even more errors, so bear with me. For your convenience, these errors have been arranged with codes. The table of contents lists the errors, and their individual codes. To use the codes, press ctrl+f only your keyboard, and type in the code, and you can easily find what you need!

*Note: Most of the time, the most easy and obvious fixes are redownloading v83, and/or replacing the custom files (item.wz and character.wz which comes with the client download when you extract) again. So try those out first, and if you don't succeed, try these solutions.
Table of Contents

Error code : -2147467259 (Unspecified error) *citation needed*----------------AA1
Error code : x2005530585 unknown error 0x88760827----------------------------AA2
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error-----------------------------AA3
Disconnecting at the character select screen--------------------------------------AA4
Character is already logged in-------------------------------------------------------AA5
Error code 40 (when trying to install v83 via the v83 installer)----------------------AA6


AA1 'Error code : -2147467259 (Unspecified error)'

What is it: Most of the time it is because your RandoMStory files are corrupted. Some of the time it is because your graphics settings are not adequate. And some of the time it is because your driver is not up to date.

How to fix: There are many reasons for this problem and therefore many fixes. One thing you can try is re-downloading v75. If that doesn't work try downloading the client download, and replace the custom files it comes with. If it still doesn't work you can try changing your graphics to a lower setting by right clicking on your desktop and clicking graphics settings, or graphics properties. If it still doesn't work then try updating your driver. *This topic needs more information, if anyone would like to contribute, please do so.*

**Alternative solution**
Right click on the client. Click properties. Go to Compatibility. Check the box that says 'Run this program in compatibility mode for:'.
Usually Windows XP (service pack 3) should work, but if you don't have that then I suggest trying all of them that's listed until it works. Changing it won't mess up your computer or mess up the client. It basically runs the application by mimicking an earlier version's way of processing the application, if that made any sense to you.

AA2 'Error code : x2005530585 unknown error 0x88760827'

What is it: This error code can happen with any program, not just MapleStory. Most of the time it is a registry problem on your computer.

How to fix: What you can do is download a registry cleaner. As far as I know, CCleaner has a built in registry cleaner I think, so you can try that out. One guy on Yahoo! Answers said that [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ... ror-zz0001 was a pretty good one, you can try that too.


AA3 'Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error'

What is it: Microsoft visual c++ runtime error abnormal program termination can be caused by different things. It can be caused by conflicts of different applications, viruses or memory issues with your computer.

How to fix: You can also solve this with a registry cleaner. See 'Error code : x2005530585 unknown error 0x88760827' for details. You might also want to scan your computer for virus's, which can also cause conflicts with applications.


AA4 'Disconnecting at the character select screen'

What is it: I'm not really sure why it happens...

How to fix: When you log in and you see the world select screen (that is the screen that shows 'Scania') on the left side there is a button that says 'View All Characters'. Click that and choose your character. You might have to always do this when you log in.


AA5 'Character is already logged in'

What is it: It means your character is stuck in game for whatever reason that caused it. People can see you in game, and they can click you and stuff.

How to fix: There are two methods. One, you can go on the main website, click the 'Logout' button at the top of the page, enter your info, and it should be unstuck. If it didn't work, you can register a new account, go in game, and type '@unstuck <insert the name of the character that is stuck here>'. f the problem persists, you can try going on the xat chat and asking for a GM to d/c you.


AA6 'Error code 40 (when trying to install via the v83 installer)'

What is it: It's when you try to begin installation and it shows you in a white box "Error code: 40"

How to fix: You will have to download v83 from another place. But not MSSetupv83, just the raw files. You can try going to and searching 'Maplestory v83 download'.

Posts : 527
Join date : 2011-04-25

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