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#2 Haters be Hatin'

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#2 Haters be Hatin' Empty #2 Haters be Hatin'

Hey there. :]

So I just got this kickass cursor on my computer and it's so freaken fascinating.


Anyways. I wanted to rant about people that don't appreciate hard working people. They only want what is good for themselves and don't care about who or what made it.

Seriously. I'm just saying that, People work hard to get appreciated and to make themselves feel good because they made everyone benefit off of it.

I'm not hating either. Go ahead and don't appreciate but whenever you wanted to feel appreciated, try to and there will be people that still don't appreciate. :]

Sorry if this was short but it was something to get out of my head.

p.s. My damn finger hurts just playing this guitar. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

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Posts : 147
Join date : 2011-01-24
Age : 28

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#2 Haters be Hatin' :: Comments


Post 12th June 2011, 1:34 am by •Bacárdí™

Word, no one knows how to appreciate.

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