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Blog Number Uno <3

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Blog Number Uno <3 Empty Blog Number Uno <3

Err hi there.


Soo I had this blog section for some time now, and decided to finally post a blog.

I'm not gonna lie I have absolutely no idea how to blog so forgive me if it fails.

I guess I'll start off with the basic things: My name is Ally Guarino and I just turned 17 on July 22nd. I don't really care if you know my last name, what's the worst that could happen? You stalk me and kill me? If you did it would be like that movie catfish.

I never even saw that movie...

Anyways, I'm a complete bitch and if you don't like it, get out. It doesn't change my life.

I have a potty mouth and probably say things I shouldn't. I wonder why people still hang out with me. Probably for the same reason they leave me and hurt me. It's fine though, go head hurt me.

Everyone does it.

Anyways, I have an unhealthy obsession with Lady GaGa. If you're going to insult her, please don't even bother. There is absolutely nothing to insult. She's one of the realest artist there is. Go head make fun of her clothes and outfits. She's being herself and doesn't give a fuck about what anyone thinks. I guess she's kind of like me in a way, well I think it would be I'm like her in a way. I was never good with that stuff.

Well, I even payed $250 to buy VIP tickets to her concert. I waited outside in February in 60 degree and below weather with 30 mph winds for 7 hours. It was worth it since I was so close I touched the stage. She actually even said something about the outfit I was wearing. It was something like the caution tape she wears in the telephone music video.
If you don't believe she said something to me, I don't give a shit. Go to one of her concerts and trust me, you'll believe me.

Your probably seeing a lot of "I don't give a shit" or, "I don't care" etc etc. The only reason I'm like this is because people hurt me too many times. I've come to terms with myself. I don't care about anyone or anything anymore. People just always hurt you in the end so why care about them? There's only one person I think of and worry about and that's myself. Even then sometimes I don't care about myself. If others don't why should I?

I'm a cold hearted bitch and I don't care if I am anymore. My heart is ice now and I don't think anyone can change that at this point. Even if its as cold as ice, it's still in two. Boys always hurt me. Every time. It's gotten so bad that now my heart breaks from my friends too. They hurt me a lot without even knowing. I wish sometimes they would understand me and shut the fuck up but I don't think anyone understands me.

Well, I should be going. I'm getting spammed with Skype calls. I had fun writing a blog and it definitely helped me feel a little better. I'll see you guys soon.

"In the most biblical sense, I am beyond repentance."

Posts : 86
Join date : 2011-04-24
Age : 30
Location : New York City

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Blog Number Uno <3 :: Comments


Post 5th August 2011, 6:14 am by •Bacárdí™

Lady gaga sucks.

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Post 5th August 2011, 11:34 am by mymainacc

•Bacárdí™ wrote:Lady gaga sucks.

Get out LOL<3

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Post 5th August 2011, 5:03 pm by crykipp

danniel is right

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Post 5th August 2011, 6:26 pm by Fred

Lady gaga <3

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Post 6th August 2011, 8:50 am by •Bacárdí™

Actually bloody mary and Judas is awesome. js.

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Post 6th August 2011, 2:05 pm by mymainacc

•Bacárdí™ wrote:Actually bloody mary and Judas is awesome. js.

I now officially love you.

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